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LIFE Integrated project for Enhanced Management of Natura 2000 in Slovenia includes 28 actions divided into 6 sets of actions, and each will contribute to a specific objective.

The first set (operations A) is intended primarily for the collection of data, analysis, and preparation for implementation. It also includes preparation of plans for pilot areas and analysis of the state of individual species and habitat types, preparation for the implementation of operations connected to the protection of bats and of cultural heritage, analysis of Natura 2000 Management Programme 2014 - 2020, preparation for educational activities, and development of a monitoring scheme.

Second set (operations C) is intended for the implementation of activities. It also includes implementation of solutions in 8 Natura 2000 areas, activities for the protection of bats, preparation of a new Natura 2000 Management Programme for the 2021 - 2027 period, improvement of the management of Natura 2000 areas, implementation of educational activities, enhancement of warden service, and development and testing of monitoring protocols.

Fourth set (operations D) is intended for effects monitoring. Indicators will be selected and monitoring protocols set up, impact of project actions on species and habitat types will be monitored and evaluated, Socio-economic impact of the project will be assessed impact of the project's activities on ecosystem services will be evaluated and effectiveness of communication activities will be monitored.

Fifth set (operations E) combines communication activities. It includes preparation of a communication strategy, consultations with partners, and offering support in the project activity implementation. This extensive set is intended for communication education and for web communication. Additional communication activities will support the implementation of concrete conservation actions in 8 Natura 2000 areas. Part of the project is dedicated to marking 100 years of Memorandum (Spomenica in Slovene), the first organized initiative for the nature protection in Slovenia.

Sixth set (operations F) combines project management and monitoring of project progress. It includes administrative activities for project management and co-ordination, monitoring of project progress, audit and preparation of After LIFE conservation plan.

Last edited: 20. 02. 2023

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