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Objectives of LIFE-IP NATURA.SI

The main objective of LIFE-IP NATURA.SI is to enhance management and implementation of Natura 2000 Management Programme (PUN 2000). The aim of this IP is not just to implement selected measures from PUN 2000, but to act as an umbrella, connecting all key institutions, individuals and available approaches in nature conservation, to complementary connect results, knowledge and best practices gained in traditional LIFE, and other projects and enable an enhanced uptake of these results in national, systemic level.

Results are going to be achieved via cooperation among various sectors and stakeholders.


LIFE-IP NATURA.SI specific objectives

The project has 4 specific objectives. They are linked to the implementation of concrete conservation measures in the field, to the improvement of Natura 2000 management, to the improvement of knowledge on selected species, and to the improvement of communication.

O1: Improving the conservation status of selected species and habitats by implementing selected measures on project areas.
O2: Enhancing management of Natura 2000 and implementation of measures by increasing the capacity of key actors dealing with nature conservation in Slovenia.
O3: Improving knowledge on selected species, habitat types and Natura 2000 sites as a whole, including through enhanced and more efficient monitoring, with a long-term sustainable national monitoring scheme put in place.
O4: Raising awareness and level of information on Natura species, habitat types and Natura 2000 sites with enhanced collaboration with landowners, research institutions, experts and volunteers of non-governmental organisations and turn them from stakeholders to partners.

Last edited: 20. 02. 2023

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