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Life+ Management

Natura 2000 Management programme for Slovenia for the period 2014-2020 (SI Natura2000 Management; LIFE11 NAT/SI/880)

The main objective of the project was to prepare the 2014-2020 Natura 2000 Management Programme for Slovenia, which will be adopted by the government.

The project also aimed to:

  • integrate measures/solutions from the Natura 2000 Management Programme (2014-2020) into operational programmes for obtaining EU funds (agricultural, structural and cohesion, fisheries, LIFE+);
  • finalise and update the Prioritised Action Framework, as required by Art. 8 of the EU Habitats Directive;
  • analyse the implementation of measures and achieve the objectives from the Natura 2000 Management Programme 2007-2013, as well as using the results to draw up a new programme;
  • communicate measures for Natura 2000 to different stakeholders and target groups, raise their awareness of Natura 2000 and increase the awareness of general public of the importance of the network;
  • identify opportunities within Natura 2000 sites for local and/or regional development, jobs and economic growth;
  • adopt an act (the Natura 2000 Management Programme) that is harmonised with all competent sectors to properly manage the Natura 2000 sites in the country in the period 2014-20;
  • contribute to the understanding that the Natura 2000 network is also a good opportunity for sustainable development.

Coordinating Beneficiary: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning.
Partners: Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation, Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia, Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia, Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia, Slovenia Forest Service.
Start and end date: August 20, 2012 - June 30, 2015
Project budget: 1,706,914.00 €, European Union financial contribution 50% (853,457.00 €).
Project Coordinator: Andrej Bibič

Last edited: 20. 02. 2023

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