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Awareness Raising, Training and Measures on Invasive alien Species in forests (LIFE)


The LIFE ARTEMIS project aims to contribute to the reduction of the harmful impacts of IAS on biodiversity by increasing public awareness and by setting up an efficient early warning and rapid response (EWRR) system to manage their impacts on forests.

Total budget: 1,091,953.00 EU contribution 647,701.00 €.

Coordinator: Slovenian Forestry Institute (Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije). Partners: Institute Symbiosis (Zavod Symbiosis), Slovenia Slovenia Forest Service (Zavod za gozdove Slovenije), Slovenia Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation (Zavod Republike Slovenije za varstvo narave), Slovenia .

Duration: July 7, 2016 to October 31,2020.

Project reference: LIFE15 GIE/SI/000770
More data: EC webpage

Contact data: Maarten de Groot

Project website:

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