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Communication Suppport to Natura 2000 (Transition Facility)

In 2004, awareness on Natura 2000 on national level was regarded to be low. Thus the Ministry decided to launch a campaign on national level and to further strengthen the capacities of the communicators. The project started in September 2006 by a consortium led by Pristop and lasted till October 2007.

The communication strategy based on the findings of the research phase (interviews, review of good practices, media monitoring and analysis, review of ongoing activities and public opinion poll). The strategy included:

  • public relations (media relations, training for communicators, events)
  • advertising (advertisements for prize competition)
  • web activities and
  • organizational proposals for communication on national level.

The project was funded primarily through Transition Facility.

The project contributed to positioning Slovenia among the top three countries with high awareness of Natura 2000, as has shown the Attitudes of Europeans towards the issue of biodiversity -  Analytical Report (Eurobarometer, December 2007).

In October 2008, the Public Relations Society of Slovenia (PRSS) has awarded the national professional awards for the excellence of communication programmes Prizma. The project Communication Support to Natura 2000 in Slovenia won the first prize in the category Public/non-profit sector. The project is “as an example of a well planned and implemented public campaign, its results demonstrate excellence in communication” says the jury.

Komunikacijska podpora Naturi 2000 v Sloveniji 2006-2007 / Communication Support to Natura 2000 in Slovenia 2006-2007 - leaflet, Špela Polak and Breda Ogorelec, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, 2007

Communication support to implementation of Natura 2000 - Final Report, Pristop, 2007 (pdf, 163 KB)

Terms of Reference, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, 2006

Project Fiche, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, 2004


The project has been awarded the Prizma price by the PRSS, Public Relations Society of Slovenia in 2008 and has been included in the proceedings Slovenian Public Relations Theory and Practice II, Ljubljana, 2014.



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