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Population level management and conservation of brown bears in northern Dinaric Mountains and the Alps - LIFE DINALP BEAR (LIFE)

The project’s main objective focuses on establishing a more strategic territorial approach to the conservation, management, and monitoring of brown bear populations in Slovenia. Other important aims include decreasing human-bear conflicts and promoting better coexistence between bears and humans. The ultimate goal is to encourage the natural expansion of brown bear from the Dinaric Mountains into the Alps.

Total budget: 5,987,478.00 €, EU contribution 4,149,202.00 €, Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment 1.052.814 € (18 %).

Coordinator: Zavod za gozdove Slovenije. Partners:  PAT (Provincia Autonoma di Trento - Servizio Foreste e Fauna), Italy; PLI (Progetto Lince Italia), Italy; RVEN (Regione del Veneto - Unità di Progetto Caccia a Pesca), Italy; ERICo(ERICo Velenje, Ecological Research & Industrial Co-operation Ltd.), Slovenia; FIWI (Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna), Austria; UL(University of Ljubljana), Slovenia; FVM (Veterinarski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu), Croatia; ARZ (Autocesta Rijeka-Zagreb d.d.), Croatia.

Duration: July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2020.

Project reference: LIFE13 NAT/SI/000550

More data: EC webpage

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