URgent Conservation Actions pro Emys orbicularis in Italy and Slovenia (LIFE)
In Italy, populations of European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) are commonly found in central and eastern parts of the Po Valley, Tyrrhenian coastal wetlands, the southern Adriatic basin and Sardinia, while populations are rare in Abruzzo, Molise, Puglia, Calabria and Liguria. Based on genetic data, Italian populations of E. orbicularis belong to two distinct genetic lines, mainly separated by the Apennine chain. In Sicily, there is a distinct species, Emys trinacris, endemic to the island. In Slovenia, E. orbicularis is the only native species of marsh turtle; it is present in most of the territory except in mountainous areas.
The European pond turtle is a protected species (under Annexes II and IV of the EU Habitats Directive) and its trade is prohibited by the 1979 Bern Convention. E. orbicularis is also protected under Slovenian national law. The species has an inadequate or poor conservation status, having faced a drastic decline due to extensive draining of wetlands. The European Red List classifies it as near threatened, while the Italian-Slovenian Red List classes it as endangered.
Populations of E. orbicularis are in decline, although their regional abundance is variable. In Italy, the species occurs in small, scattered populations, a situation that increases the risk of local extinction. Comprehensive and timely estimates of populations nationwide are not available, but negative trends or local extinctions have been widely reported. In Slovenia, most populations have only a few individuals.
The turtle’s principal threats are: (1) alteration, fragmentation and disappearance of natural habitats; (2) alien pond turtle species; (3) disturbance and predation of eggs, offspring and young individuals; (4) loss of populations’ genetic identity; and (5) absence of conservation guidelines for the species.
The LIFE URCA PROEMYS project aims to improve the conservation status of E. orbicularis in Italy and Slovenia through:
- Habitat improvement in at least 30 selected sites (almost 60 ha in total);
- Restocking with at least 1,150 specimens of E. orbicularis in a minimum of 13 selected areas (total of over 1,580 in the after-LIFE phase);
- Eradication of more than 2,700 invasive turtles (Trachemys species) in 25 Italian Natura 2000 sites and population control (reduction of 80%) in 17 sites, 3 of which are located in Slovenia;
- Enhancement of 7 breeding centres (6 for breeding of E. orbicularis and 1 for Trachemys scripta retention, i.e. preventing egg laying of this invasive species);
- Training of operators and technical staff in the proper conservation of E. orbicularis and restoration of its natural habitats;
- Development of an integrated management plan for the conservation of several species of Emys turtles, including veterinary and control/eradication protocols for the invasive species T. scripta;
- Evaluation of the integrated management plan‘s implementation at a regional scale in a pilot region;
- Promotion of a transboundary management model on the basis of the integrated management plan developed by the project, in cooperation with Krajinski Park Ljubljansko barje, Sečovlje Salina Nature Park and other Slovenian institutions;
- Establishment of a long-term monitoring plan;
- Italian and Slovenian awareness raising campaigns on conservation of E. orbicularis and on invasive alien species;
- Replication of the project‘s best practices (5 during implementation of the project).
Project web page: https://www.urcaproemys.eu/