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Natura 2000 projects

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logo projekta LIFE OrnamentalIAS

Background Invasive alien species (IAS) are one of the main threats to biodiversity. According to the Natura 2000…
logotip projekta LIFE TRŠCA

 Objectives The main objective of the project is to improve the conservation status of the intermittent Cerknica Lake.…
logo projekta LIFE FOR SEEDS

Background As in most parts in Europe, extensive high nature value (HNV) grasslands have rapidly declined in recent…
logo projekta LIFE Stržen

Background The natural water dynamics of the intermittent Lake Cerknica, admired for centuries for its unique features,…
logo projekta LIFE amphicon

Background There has been a general decline in amphibian populations in Slovenia, Denmark and Germany due to habitat…
logotip projekta LIFE Lynx

Background The Dinaric-SE Alpine lynx population went extinct at the beginning of 20th century due to hunting and…
logotip projekta LIFE to Grasslands

The key environmental challenges addressed by the project are the conservation of biodiversity in the agricultural…
logotip projekta LIFE URCA PROEMYS

Background In Italy, populations of European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) are commonly found in central and eastern…
logotip projekta LIFE SYSTEMIC

Background According to The State of the Worlds Forest Genetic Resources published by the UN Food and Agriculture…
logotip projekta LIFE PROGNOSES

BackgroundThe EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2030 explicitly states that "10% of EU land (and 10% of EU sea) should be…

General information Out of the 33 populations of European large carnivores, only four can be found within a single…

Acronime: LIFE ARTEMIS The LIFE ARTEMIS project aims to contribute to the reduction of the harmful impacts of IAS on…

The overall objective of the LIFE NATURAVIVA project is to highlight the danger of biodiversity loss by informing and…

The project’s main objective focuses on establishing a more strategic territorial approach to the conservation,…

The project’s main objective is to re-establish favourable conservation status for five priority species listed in the…

The main aim of the LIFEGENMON project is to develop a system for forest genetic monitoring (FGM) to serve as an…

The project aims to preserve and enlarge populations of species listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive (birds typical…

The main objective of the project is to prepare the 2014-2020 Natura 2000 Management Programme for Slovenia, which will…

The project aims to improve the coherence of Natura 2000 sites by restoring the functionality of the Ljubljanica River…

Preparatory inventory and activities for the designation of marine IBAs and SPAs for Phalacrocorax aristotelis…

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