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Natura 2000 Management programme for Slovenia for the period 2014-2020 (SI Natura2000 Management) - LIFE+ project

Analysis of measures implemented and objectives achieved from Natura 2000 Management Programme 2007-2013 (Action A.1)

Overview of the use of funds for Natura 2000 in the period 2007 – 2012, especially the EU Funds (Action A.2)

All analyses and recommendations were prepared, and relation database established. Some analyses and recommendations were joined with Action A2, and then published separately by sectors. Actions A1 and A2 prepared following analyses and recommendations:

  1. Chapeau document, including nature conservation analysis (joint A.1 and A.2 deliverables)
  2. Forestry – Summary (in English, joint A.1 and A.2 analysis)
  3. Agriculture – Summary (in English, joint A.1 and A.2 analysis)
  4. Water Management and Fishery (in English, joint A.1 and A.2 analysis).

Full documents are available only in Slovene language (see: Rezultati).

Analysis of Natura 2000 Management Programme 2007-13:

Recommendations for preparation of the new Natura 2000 Management Programme:

Overview of the use of funds for Natura (2007-13):

Recommendations on better use of funds:

Partial recommendations also in:

Qualitative analysis of Agriculture measures on Natura 2000 in 2007-2012 (A.1) – document only in Slovene

Recommendations for the better use of funds in new operational programme (A.1 and A.2) – document only in Slovene

Guidelines for forestry environmental and climate change measures with financial estimation (A.2) – document only in Slovene.

Finalization and update of Prioritized Action Framework (Action A.3)

Training of beneficiaries for facilitating the workshops (Action A.4)

16 participants from all beneficiaries in the project trained in a 4-day course to facilitate workshops. Skills of additional 22 ZRSVN employees were developed in facilitating.

Identification of possibilities for financing measures for Natura 2000 in the new EU financial perspective (Action C.1)

Identification of possibilities for financing measures for Natura 2000 in the new EU multi-annual financial framework has been done (document only in Slovene: Priporočila financiranja ukrepov, Appendix: spreadsheet).

The process of preparation and adoption of strategic development acts for the Republic of Slovenia has been influenced, resulting in inclusion of conservation, management and development of Natura 2000 network as one of Slovenia’s priorities, in the Development Strategy of Slovenia for the period 2014-2020 and in the Partnership agreement - approved by the Government (thematic areas 5 and 6, pp. 39-46).

Recommendations for financing measures for Natura 2000 Sites for the period 2014-2020 (pdf, 50 pp).

Preparation of the draft Natura 2000 Management Programme – part 1: conservation objectives and measures (Action C.2)

The objectives and measures part of the draft Natura 2000 management plan has been prepared. It includes measures, objectives, reference values, responsible sectors, etc. for each species and habitat type (see: spreadsheet, document only in Slovene).

More than 2000 zones were drawn in Arc GIS and database developed, and included in spatial portal Nature Conservation Atlas (only in Slovene).

List of sectoral management plans for forestry and fisheries responsible for implementation of Natura 2000 measures was prepared (document only in Slovene).

Preparation of the draft Natura 2000 Management Programme – part 2: financing and development (Action C.3)

A list of project proposals with further conclusions on their integration into operational programmes for drawing EU funds under the new MFF is prepared (document, spreadsheet, both only in Slovene). 

Financing of measures, developed in the action C.2 has been largely identified and included in the draft Natura 2000 Management Programme for 2014 - 2020. This draft Natura 2000 Management Programme is subject of consultation of with stakeholders and target groups (document only in Slovene).

Consultation of the draft Programme with stakeholders and target groups (Action C.4)

Consultation of the draft Natura 2000 Management Programme with stakeholders and target groups started end of May 2014. Five workshops are being undertaken:

  • consultation of the draft with forestry sector (only in Slovene)
  • consultation of the draft with agricultural sector (only in Slovene)
  • consultation of the draft with waters and fisheries sector (only in Slovene)
  • consultation in cohesion regions (only in Slovene )
  • consultation of the draft - Monitoring  (only in Slovene)

Intergovernmental consultation of the Programme and adoption by the Government (Action C.5)

Integration of measures from the Programme (2014-2020) into operational programmes for drawing EU funds (agricultural, structural and cohesion, fisheries, LIFE+) (Action C.6)

Measures from draft included in draft Rural Development Programme 2015-20, draft OP for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy in the period 2014-2020, and draft Regional Development Programmes of certain regions (Programmes for implementation of the OP Cohesion).

Workshops for beneficieries after the adoption of the management programme (Action C.7)

Following the adoption of the management programme in April 2015, worshops are being held for beneficiaries and other target audiences in May and June 2015.

  • 6-7 May 2015: Forestry and hunting (presentations, in Slovenian language only)
  • 14 May 2015: Ministeries (presentations, in Slovenian language only)
  • 14 May 2015: Protected areas (presentations, in Slovenian language only)
  • 19 May 2015: Water management and fisheries
  • 3 June 2015: Spatial Planing, Infrastructure.

Raising awareness of Natura 2000 sites and their management (Action E.3)

There were 3 general public articles in national press published, 1 calendar (1.500 copies) and 2 transportable banners produced. Additionally there were visual identity guidelines for the project prepared, including a logotype of the project (PUN 2000). Of other promotional material 600 copies of a Diary 2014 and two different types of T-shirts were produced (351 pieces). Additionally, 8 articles have been published in specialized magazines, and 9 articles published on web. PUN 2000 was presented at the Nature & Health fair in Ljubljana, organized an expert seminar (150 people were present).

Layman's Report (Action E.5)

Operativni program upravljanja območij Natura 2000 v Sloveniji 2015-2020 - poročilo o rezultatih projekta / Natura 2000 Management Programme for Slovenia for the Period 2015-2020 - Layman's Report

Overall project operation and monitoring of the project progress (Action F)

Networking with other projects (Action F.2) - Workshops on management of crossborder Natura 2000 sites

  • Workshop on management of Hungaro Slovenian crossborder Natura 2000 sites in the new financial perspective (21 November 2013)
  • Workshop on management of Croatian-Slovenian crossborder Natura 2000 sites in the new financial perspective (24 January 2014)
  • Workshop in management of Austrian-Slovenian crossborder Natura 2000 sites in the new financial perspective (3 September 2014)
  • Workshop in management of Austrian-Slovenian crossborder Natura 2000 sites in the new financial perspective (6 October 2014)
  • Second workshop in management of Hungaro Slovenian crossborder Natura 2000 sites in the new financial perspective (20-21 October 2014)
  • Workshop in management of Italian-Slovenian crossborder Natura 2000 sites in the new financial perspective (19 February 2015)

More: Results (in Slovenian language)

After LIFE Conservation Plan (Action F.4)

Plan izvajanja poprojektnih aktivnosti

After LIFE Conservation plan

Last edited: 20. 02. 2023

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